Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Autumn Rose hips {Garden}

Autumn Rose hips make me smile.  They remind me of lovely ladies with floppy hats on!  Hope you are enjoying this beautiful Autumn day while you take a moment to find something unique and wonderful to view!  {you can tell me what you saw}


  1. Thanks for helping me see rose hips in a new way. Floppy hats?! I love it.

  2. These two are having a ball and engaged in gossiptalk "have you heard about...", the right one is laughing hysterically and almost falling backwards, LOL. With a bit of imagination (I do have it,as long as it doesn't require any creative actions) you can make up whole stories by watching flowers, animals, or just pictures of them.

  3. Thanks Julie! I'm happy to open your eyes in a new direction. I love that Monique! So creative!


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