Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Head in The Clouds {Me}

Do you ever get so busy that your head feels as if it's floating in the clouds?
Either that or you are so busy that you wish it was.


What do you do when there's too much to do?

I check important emails and say hi to online friends on the fly,
I don't have time to share what I want to on my blog,
the dust piles up on my house,
that DIY project in my kitchen sits patiently!

Last week I helped my brother and family with a new baby.
(Along with tons of other stuff I do and never talk about.)

This week I am busy with another life changing event for a family member.

I'll be sharing it with you next week.
(for the couple of people who know already, don't leak it yet!)

So again I ask you... What do you do when there's too much to do?
I'm hoping with your answers we can help each other my friends!


  1. A list! I write it all down and get it OUT of my head. Kind of clear the air and then I know I won't forget anything. It's usually just a mish mash of randomness, but it makes sense to me.

    1. Absolutely Camille! I have to write everything down so I don't miss out on anything. It's just the part of not having time to do everything that needs to be done when I want it done. Thanks.

  2. I agree with Camille..A list....I'm a big list person! If I dont make one things will never get done PLUS it feels sooo good to cross something off when its completed!

    1. Thanks Christie. I agree. I am a list person as well, and a post it person on top of the lists. At least I won't forget things that way. It's just finding the time to do it then when there are too many things to be done some weeks.

  3. Seriously we are always on the same page! One day we'll come down off that cloud and see what's currently happening with everyone else :-) I miss that part the most.

    I can't wait to hear. Hope it's all good for you.

    1. Ha! Love you Lala! At least I'm in good company, and the view from the top isn't all that bad! haha

  4. I have no advice because I am constantly trying to keep up :) If only I could do that and look as classy as you do ;)

    1. Thanks for the sweet compliment. You are taking care of your darling children right now and that is the most important thing you can do! One step at a time, I guess we need to remember that.

  5. Well, the first thing I always end up sacrificing my time toward is my blog!! But I guess that is better then giving up more hours of sleep. Can't wait to hear your news!

    1. Exactly Cheryl! I don't sleep much and still don't have time. Thanks for your comment and interest in my news!

  6. I wish you well my friend. I hope you are not getting too overwhelmed. Please take time for yourself and cherish each day that you have. And I can't wait to see what it is you are 'helping' with.

  7. Well, you've heard it before, a list is a necessity but furthermore you need to take priorities, not just to importance but also in time. Fact is you can't do it all at once, so you may wanna check what needs to be done first (in time) and cannot be postponed. Be strict about it. What action is timerelated and more urgent. For example, you helping your brother with his newborn is more timerelated than your kitchen project so...that project falls down the priority scale. You supporting/helping Christopher for his leave is more urgent as far as time is concerned, it cannot be postponed. so, here goes your time for blog down the scale.
    Then, you can make a schedule of everyday activities that you always do just to keep up (without handling them at the same time). Check your mail in the morning and evening and put the actions that may come out on your list. Don't make a habbit of checking your mail all through the day as it may get you off course of the things you are doing at that time.

    Another help may be to make use of an app making/maintaining that list. There are apps helping you with lists and prioritising of the things on it. Can't recall any name of those app right now (bummer) but I know there are some.

    You can also consider hiring someone to do the cleaning and stuff in the house. I know, it all costst money but it will also help you to buy time for yourself, being a CEO, mother, wife, and so on....to do those things you feel most rewarded by yourself and get some quality time at the same time.

    Difficult choices.....Good luck :-)

    I know it's easier said than done, cause or habits are usual hard to break.

    1. Thanks for your kind comments Monique! Yep there certainly isn't time for everything so things will sit around here waiting for me. Without a smart phone I would never be able to check emails or check in with friends online while I'm waiting for appointments, etc.


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